Looking for a few good prayers and good thoughts.
I just found out that my grandmother, whom we affectionately call Lala, has cancer. Lymphnoma (sp?) cancer. But apparently, it is officially called B-cell lymphnoma and apparently very treatable with a high success rate. So my mom didn't sound too worried when she told me. But this is the same mother who didn't sound too worried when my grandfather, whom we called Papa, went into the hospital for a brain something or other and then didn't survive. I was sixteen then and maybe they didn't want me to worry, what with school and the one act play competitions going on.
But I am not sixteen anymore and although I assume my mother would tell me everything, one has to wonder, Is she just being positive? I guess there is nothing wrong with that.
Back to my Lala, I am worried for her though because she will have to go through chemo and she is already in a wheelchair due to damaged knees and feet from contracting polio as a child and a major car accident over a year ago. So, if she goes through chemo, how will she lift herself out of her chair to shower, to go to sleep, etc...
So please send Lala, on top of her hill in Wimberley Texas, your good thoughts and prayers. She is one strong woman but prayers are gladly accepted. And please send them to me too because I am a little scared.