Thursday, October 05, 2006

What was yesterday about?

Who knows? I tried to read my post from yesterday, got lost, didn't ask for directions and got frustrated. I can only imagine what you were thinking when you read it. My apologies.

I took my first Botany test today. I know I missed 5 questions. 4 of them just needed a switch. 1 of them the prof never covered and I might think we can get him to throw out.

I ran into a community member today. She is in trouble and needs help and wasn't afraid to ask for it. I hesitated. Why? Because she has the courage to ask for it or the gall to ask for it? We still will help but I feel like an ass now.

I have been daydreaming about moving to a small town. Not small, small. Something about Waco's size or San Marcos. Actually, I have been daydreaming about moving to San Marcos. I don't know. I am a little tired of city life. Granted, I am not in a huge city. It is only Austin. But it is more expensive, there is more to do and distract, and communities do tend to get stretched before they either snap and divide.

I feel like writing in short, blunt sentences today.

I took a nap in our bedroom without the window unit on and had a crazy nap dream. I was five, ten and twenty all at once and at my parent's house in Wimberley where they had had another baby, there was a crazy neighbor who owned the land next to us putting in a pool right next to our property line and we swam when they weren't looking. I got to hold the baby and it was precious.

I miss my friends, who are all just as busy as I am.

I miss things being simple. I don't know if a smaller town would provide that or not. And if we did decide to move (nothing is happening now) then our house is nowhere near sellable yet. We need a new roof, new siding, new trim, a central a/c, new windows, to finish the flooring, yadayadayada...

Oh boy, here we go again. Another nonsensical post. Argh! I. Can't. Stop.



At 10:31 AM, Blogger jenA said...

i like your posts. makes me feel like your roommate. the housing market is a poo for sellers right now, so put that dirty thought aside till at least summer. And, plenty of homes sell without central A/C. The roof would be your first priority.

At 7:35 AM, Blogger cgjohnson said...

If a blog entry makes too much sense, then we all know it's contrived. I think your style is great.



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