Appreciative of the encouragement...
Thanks to whoever posted the encouragement for me to keep blogging. I didn't know anybody read my blog enough to be that interested....Although, like my husband, I too am burned out a little on blogging. I don't really have an excuse as to why I have not been blogging, life happens, I guess.
Plus, I have been really iffy about blogging lately since the huge fiasco with my friend's blog (check out if you don't know the whole story....boils down to tolerated sexism within the US). The blogging world is a really scary place. Anybody at anytime reads this, even if it doesn't never matters to them. Ann had people very high up in the emergent church organizations commenting on her blog. Blogging is going to change the way things are published, the way libel is handled, the way public defamtation is handled. Because what exactly is a blog?? Well, to me and some others that I know it is a online journal, an easy way for friends and family to see what is going on in my life and my thoughts. But it is also a publication. Meaning if I write about something, it is mine. I have to attribute if I use something from someone else blog, just like a book. (At least, from my knowledge about the world of blogging it is like this). SO, that in turn means all kinds of laws apply to my online journal, right? Well, maybe not. Because this is something more personal and private. And really, I don't know what the hell I am talking about. I am not studying law. All I know when I think about blogging and the way it has affected the last couple of elections, I know it can be something much more than we can imagine.
Enough of that, let's do the weekly, okay monthly update...
Michelle is almost done with her spanish class. Yes, you read that correctly. I have one more week and I will have successfully completed a class. Allejulah. I gave an oral presentation today which I think went okay...and I found out that I only missed three points on my last test. So, I might make an A. Party time!
Chris and I tore up the frontyard some more this weekend. There was this out of control shrub to the left of the front door, completely throwing off the balance of the house. So, we chopped it down. Then to the right of the sidewalk there was this overgrown bush-tree. It provided nice shade but it was ugly and again out of we chopped that down too. Now, our yard looks open and very young. It is kind of harsh to the eye at first, but we are planning to plant some small trees in the fall and finally put our agave cactus, Stella, into the ground somewhere. She is so beautiful, she is this eerie-blue grey color. Bellisimo. The bathroom floor is done with huge thanks to uncle who did it for us. All we did was tear the linoleum up, scrape most of the glue and buy the materials. Billy did an excellent job! Thanks Billy!! I can't wait to tear up the linoleum in the kitchen! For now, if the slab looks good, we are going to just leave it with the concrete floor. Maybe stain and polish it. I think it will make the kitchen cooler and I know brandy will love laying in there as it gets super hot in the summer for her (being part husky and all).
Work is work. Somedays I hate it; others I don't. I cannot wait until our honeymoon this summer though. An entire month off! Fabulous. And because of some extra money we made this last month, we are going to stay a night in a B&B in the wine country. Di signore. I am so freakin excited.
Chris is doing well. School is still okay, but it is not bad so that is good. But he is ready for the summer break. Sleeping in...ahhh...
Well, I think I am going to go research stuff for our honeymoon now that is on my mind. Thanks for reading. I really do appreciate it.