Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I had forgotten

So...I took allergy/sinus medicine for the first time in years today. I usually just stave off a cold by drowning it with vitamin C and echinecea. But today, as I blowing my nose for the upteemth billion time, I decided I should do something proactive about it. Now, I can breathe. Ah, to only blow my nose and sneeze once every 15 minutes insead of every 2! But at what price?
Well, currently, I am a space cadet. Wait! I know I am one normally, but now I would be content to just stare a brick wall all day long. Though I am trying to keep focused, hence the update of my blogsite. But man, what a feeling! I feel as if I am weightless, my head floating in the wind. Wow, if I only knew how such accepted and widely used drugs made you feel. Although I will try not to get more in the future. I really don't like this feeling all that much. It makes me feel stupid.

Why do they need to use synthetic and artificial coloring in pills? You know, I won't mind swallowing a brown or pale pill. Just because a pill comes in yellow and green doesn't say anything to me about how effective the pill is. Just give me the damned relief, my stomach doesn't care about the Yellow #5 and Blue #1 & #2. I am sorry, maybe I have been brainwashed by certain companies in which I work for, but I just don't trust the artificially made colors. Do we know if they are even safe to consume? What exacty goes into Yellow #5? So, why, why do we need colorful little pills? Are we still children that we need something shiny and pretty to swallow it? Would little kids even want to swallow a pill that has color if all the pills in the world didn't? In that case, would we even give the child a pill that has a synthetically made color that was bad for her/him?

Oh, the questions. Oh, the rhetoric. Oh, my empty head. I want an apple. I think I am going to go and get one.
Have a wonderful and sinus-clear day,


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