Monday, February 07, 2005

Scary processes and peeking sun rays

Hola amigos.

This weekend was a hectic, but fun one. We left for Tyler on Friday night and didn't get in until around midnight. And we hung out with Chris' parents on Saturday until it was time to go to Miss Elizabear's birthday party, which was the best 2 year old birthday party I have ever attended. Lyssa was the only 2 yr old there! It was great. However, she is going through this shy phase. As if she wasn't shy enough around Chris and I since she doesn't see us very often, now she won't even look at Chris before running away. But Chris' feelings are not hurt, he knows that one day she will be able to at least look at him.

We returned to Austin in the evening on Sunday, just in time for church.

The only bad thing about this weekend is that I didn't get a chance to clean the house, it desperately needs it. The living room is a mess and I won't even comment on the kitchen lest my blood pressure rises.

I filled out a mortgage pre-approval application online today. I almost cried it was so scary. I had to fill in all of our debts and creditors, what we have in our account (which is not much), fill in Social Security numbers so they can get our credit report (Yikes! I don't even know what it is!). All in all, very scary. I just wish this whole process was over. That we are moving into our new house, making definite plans on remodeling and moving on with our life. Is this the most painful process of buying a house? Please tell me it is.

Ok, I think I should get ready for work. Plus, I started worrying about the mortgage stuff again and I can't think of anything else to write.




At 4:30 PM, Blogger cgjohnson said...

I love you, and I'll clean the living room.


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