Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Where does the sun go when clouds crowd the sky?


I am in a very serious and yet restless mood today. Could be the lack of freakin' sunshine. I don't think I have seen the sun for about a week now and it is too darn cold to ride my bike...which usually has me bummin' rides of off people (usually Lance) and feeling stuck...literally that is. But I do miss the sunshine. If it were cold with sunshine, then I could handle it.

My face has been doing something very strange lately. Whenever I eat something hot, like soup or baked potato (like I had for lunch today), my face gets flushed. Not just a little bit, but flushed as in a bright, almost purple, pink. And it stays for about an hour or so after I have finished eating. I was planning on getting a coffee after lunch to help me with my studying, but I am afraid that my face will stay this neon pink color even longer if I have coffee. Oh, the troubles in my life...what to do.

We drive to Tyler this weekend to visit Chris' family. I am looking forward to that. I have both Saturday and Sunday off, which is always nice.

Oh! I got my embroidery kit yesterday and I have already started it. I am embroidering a little teacup into a corner of a tea towel. I am still learning the different stitches and what not, but it doesn't look that bad.

Okay, I must go now. I think I will get some coffee, who cares if my face color competes with Pepto Bismol. Speaking of which, where did that name come from? Isn't there a word like bismal or something meaning dreary or awful? Why would anyone want to name their stomach soothing product that? Oh, when I was little, I was so confused as to what Pepto was supposed to do. On the commercials it said it calmed the stomach (remember the quivering lines representing the stomach and the oh-so-cool computer graphics.?) and everytime I took it, I threw up. In fact, I would take it to throw up. So, as you can see, I was a very confused little girl...pondering the existence of Pepto and stuff and things.....

Maybe I should take a walk. Less extreme than bike riding and maybe it would help the soreness in my legs (I started exercising regularly again and I did an extreme leg workout yesterday...I hurt like hell today but I like it!)

With my warmest regards,



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