Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Funny! Well...I thought it was.

So, there is this website I frequent (read: visit every time my little fingers touch a keyboard hooked up with internet access) called Go Fug Yourself. It makes fun of celebrities with HoRrIble taste (ie: Sienna Miller, Kirsten Dunst, Bebe Neuwerth). Now, I don't follow the lives of celebrities, I don't subscribe to "those" kind of magazines. But I do visit and below I have copied and pasted a little teaser from a recent posting:

Tom: Hi Keri! I'm not going to look you right in the eye because my magic powers might kill you, okay? HAHAHAHHAHAHA. Want to see my imaginary Blackberry again? Wasn't that funny that time we did that the other day? I am QUITE A COMEDIAN! Maybe I'll do a sitcom next. DON'T LOOK AT ALL THE BULGING VEINS IN MY NECK. I mean it. Don't look at them, Felicity. I will eat your placenta. I mean it. NOW LET'S ACT LIKE WE'RE HAVING SO MUCH FUN SOME MORE! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!

Keri Russell: [thinking: I wonder if my reflexes are good enough to grab this bottle, smash him over the head, and make a run for it. Dear Jesus, protect me. I'm so scared.] Hahahaha.

End Scene.

Oh. My. Lawd. "I will eat your placenta"??!! Gross, so gross, but you have to admit- a little funny picturing the spastic laughing Cruise saying that. Oh My God. I laughed so hard I cried.

Yes, I am gross. I know.



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