Saturday, March 18, 2006


Why is my page all weird like?

Here is a letter to a customer so I can vent my rage:

Dear Leila (aka the woman who wears long pigtails and too tight clothes and you once told everybody here at work that you really are a princess of some island somewhere):

You are an adult. You are not in third grade. If you see someone cut in front of you, talk to that person yourself. Don't expect the cashier, who was too busy doing her job, to regulate the line for you. Also, don't say it is fine when above said cashier apologizes that she didn't see the cutting and the proceed to do her job. ALSO, don't go the next cashier and say you hate the previous cashier. Hate her! You don't even know her. Plus, as stated above, YOU. ARE. AN. ADULT. Adults don't go around saying they hate someone.

Leila, please act your age. I know who you are and I know you have called me a bitch before when I was also just doing my job. I know you have been known to harass other team members as well. The next time you come into the store, you will be warned by management that you are this close to being banned from our store. The people behind the registers are people too and deserve to be treated with respect. If you can't handle that, get the fuck out of our store. In fact, just stay home because I have seen the way you treat customers as well and you, Leila, are a bitch. You need to control your anger, manage your insecurities and stop acting like everyone needs to bow before you and clean your shoes by licking them.

Someone who hopes to see you less and less at our store.

PS You are not going to get me fired by calling back and reporting me. I am one the best damned cashiers we have and everybody knows you and what you are like. I have won this one, so

Whew, that felt good. When all this happened I got so worked up I was shaking for a good twenty minutes. Then I calmed down and realized she is supposed to act that way because she is 1) a bitch 2)delusional 3)a dirty little whore. Well, not so little.
Then I laughed. And I think the next time I see her, I will laugh at the situation. Horrible. Horrible I know. I am supposed to forgive and maybe forget. But no, everytime I see her roll her eyes at a child, sigh because someone writes a check, calls a team member a bitch for following procedure, I just can't forget let alone forgive. Where is the justice? Who gets to stand up to her? Not me, because I am at work when I see her and have to "professional".

Le sigh!

This week has been busy. SXSW, Ginny's in town (although I haven't gotten to see much of her) and Chris' has been sick on his week off...very frustrating and enough to make me a little down in the dumps. HEnce, the bitchy letter to Leila.

Oh creator, grant me peace and serenity.



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