Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Six word sentence

From a healthy living blog, I saw this challenge: create a 6 word sentence for yourself describing your life as of now.

I thought of mine and it's great:
I'm on the right path now.

It does it all: motivation, reassurance, calming and looks toward the future. I can keep walking forward, I can keep moving because I am on the right path!

Yesterday was a rough day. I wonder if I set myself up for it by posting a sad, melancholy blog. I know it didn't seem that sad as I was just reminiscing, but it felt so sad to me. It felt heavy on my heart.

I went home after work and slept. I read all sorts of articles on the computer. I waited for Chris to get home. Then we ate dinner and we sat around more. So, I am trying to view yesterday as a recovery from the weekend day. A recovery from the energy-sucking drama that is going on at the winery, WHERE I NO LONGER WORK!

Saturday was my last day!
And some of my favorite people made a cake for me and came to wish me farewell! It was so sweet, I wanted to cry. The cake was yummy but I had to give most of it away because I knew if we took it home, I would eat the whole thing and that would be bad. Crisis avoided, whew.

But, like I said, I am trying to not feel guilty about not doing any schoolwork, housework or bodywork yesterday. It was a recovery day.

And today! Today I feel strong, I feel confident and productive. I will work towards getting caught up at school. I will work out. I will eat healthier. I will smile!


At 11:09 AM, Blogger poshdeluxe said...

yr sentence is so awesome and victorious!!!

p.s. you totally needed a recovery day. don't sweat it.


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