Thursday, March 06, 2008


This happened on Monday night:

By Wednesday, we were back in short pants and ready for spring.


...the MOTHER LOAD...

Thursday, during the day, snow flakes fell down as big as a mermacrabicorn's

I was at the gym when the snowfall started. By the time I got out to my car, the snow had piled up about an inch on my windshield and roof. I jumped in the car, frantic because I had never seen snow this big before or coming down this hard before. It really freaked me out. I called my mom "I think I am in a blizzard!" I yelled into the phone. Before long, I was on the road, carefully driving through slush and getting to know the grinding noise of my brakes when they clogged with ice. I peeled out, I swerved, and after making a circle around Albertson's, I pulled in to buy the essentials on a snowy-movie-snuggle-with-the-husband night: wine and pizza.

I wrapped my new shawl around my head (so my hair wouldn't get snowed upon and therefore, wet) and ran inside and out in less than 5 minutes. It was still snowing heavily when I started the car again, already covered in snow that I had to knock off the windows.

This time, I barely made it home in under an hour even though I was only 2 miles away. Cars were slipping and sliding all over the place and it seems like if they got stuck, they would spin their tires for a while and then give up. I got home just as the traffic outside our house was really piling up. You see, we are on a hill. So manymanymany cars would make it halfway up only to stop because of intersecting traffic and then not get the momentum to start back up again.

Well, I got home and called Chris, who had ridden his bike to work. "Are you dressed warm?"


"Good, don't get a ride you won't be home for hours. Walk home. I will meet you halfway."

So I bundled up. I put on my new jeans, thick wooly socks, a long sleeved shirt, a wool sweater, Chris' army jacket with a thick lining he got from his dad, my thick red scarf, a hat, my arm warmers and big thick gloves.

I didn't get cold at all. My legs were a little cold as my jeans got soaked from the snow, but I was so warm everywhere else, i didn't feel them.

On the way to meet him, I stopped at a gazebo near a middle school to rest and it looked like a good sheltered place to wait for Chris. There were about 5 middle school kids also hanging out there.

You guys, middle school kids crack me up. They are loud, obnoxious, don't have any manners, but they are cute nonetheless! They, of course, were all underdressed for the weather. It was only in the 50s when they went to school. And since I was sweating, I loaned one my gloves, another my hat and my scarf to another little thing. I waited for about 20 minutes and after most of the little freezing balls of energy left (I got my accessories back), I started again to meet with Chris.

And I busted it. Like I slipped on a banana peel, one leg went up and I landed right on my ass. I laughed. It was fun.

Chris was right up the road and we went home.

After eating the pizza and warming back up with some wine, we put on the ski clothes my parents had loaned us with some hats and scarves and went back out to play in the snow.

First, though, we introduced Lucy to the snow.

She was not impressed.

We got Brandy and went out with the intentions to build a snowman...except our gloves were wet from the walk and we weren't wearing any.

You guys! Snow is cold! After about 30 seconds we abandoned the snowman idea because I couldn't feel my hands.

We had a snowball fight, with breaks to warm our hands, and we pranced around with Brandy, she is totally built for the snow. I mean, we know she is part Husky, but the reason why she trots makes sense now.

Now we are drinking dark chocolate cocoa and will be searching the internet for movies/shows to watch. Sigh, I wish I had my Battlestar Galactica...


At 7:23 PM, Blogger jennycat said...

Thanx for posting the story and pictures! I really enjoyed them. It's gotten cold here, but no snow as of yet.

Much Love,
From your sister-in-law

At 11:00 AM, Blogger poshdeluxe said...

GOOD LORD. LOOK AT THAT SNOW. i can't believe you guys, like, survived that. although i admit, snowball fights and snowmen are pretty awesome. still, i'm glad you're alive.

At 8:24 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I got a good laugh out of this one. Rookies! Crazy Carol


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