Monday, April 21, 2008


I am still here! (pant pant) Let breath first...

Ah, there.

So, it's been a very busy week and a half.

April 13th was Chris' birthday and as it was a Sunday we enjoyed a gorgeous spring day in Sherman where we played bocce at the park while drinking beer, hung out at the house watching movies and smoked the hookah a bit. It was a very memorable, beautiful day.

Then the next day, the craziness began. I drove to Austin and worked from the 14th thru the 17th and then drove back to Sherman on the 18th, a Friday, and then went to class this past weekend. It was the in class meeting of my online class for Enology II. I hadn't met this professor yet as he is actually teaches at Iowa State. But he was really informative and a very good teacher and was able to explain a lot of the questions we had. Then Sunday we had another good day filled with errands like laundry and shopping, but we did get to ride bikes and watch more Battlestar Galactica.

Now I am back in Austin and I will be here until Friday morning. Blah, I hate all this driving but I am about to move back into my house, working at Whole Foods and still have weekend classes and workshops to attend so I do what I must.

Today has been an awesome day so far, and most of it has been in the car. Well, actually it was stressful as I hit morning traffic in Dallas and then tried to get a bill straightened out with my dental office and my insurance. But instead of getting emotional and losing my cool, I thought about all the options and continued working towards them, and I think it might be okay!!

Then I went to the eye doc place because the film on my glasses are glazing over and I constantly have to squint at everything, but GOOD NEWS, they have a 2 year warranty so it's free to fix them. Thank the Lord.

Then I went to the gym because my HR person from work never cancelled my membership but I didn't know if it would still be active since I don't have a regular paycheck from Whole Foods since I was only seasonal. But it is! So I worked out and showered and now am feeling much better.

I work at 4, but only until 1030 so it's a quick and fast shift. Then tomorrow I am going to workout in the morning, meet with my counselor, study and then go to work. I have got to get focused on my schoolwork, it's almost done for this semester! Whee!!

Sorry about the boring update. But that's why I haven't been able to blog in a while. Thanks for checking!



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