Friday, April 11, 2008

Chick books, guy books....

PS (Ha! A PS before I even write anything!) I use Chick in a lovingly, non-degrading way. I think chick has taken on a connotation of its own in this context. So if you are offended, chill out.)

I might have already told this story on here once. I have a horrible memory of what I have said or not and what I have heard or not. I think this is one of the main reasons Chris married me, he can tell me the same jokes and stories over and over again and each time, it's like I have never heard it before! Anyways, I digress...

When I was cashiering one day at the (w)Hole, I was talking to this one customer about the book I was currently reading. I told him it was by Barbara Kingsolver.

"Oh, a chick book." he said with a slight smirk.

Irked, I replied "What do you mean?"

"Well, there are chick flicks. And there are chick books. Kingsolver definitely writes chick books. " and he walked off.

I fumed. I was mad because it felt like he insulted me AND Ms. Kingsolver.

Later, when I became more accepting and aware of the precious bonds between women, I learned to become proud of chick books. Some men are just offended or put off by the fact that they can't relate to the characters in the book because they are women! I mean, I don't read certain comics, magazine, etc...because I can't relate to the men characters.

Currently I am reading The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay and I started thinking about the difference between chick books and guy books.

The Amazing Adventure is definitely a guy book. One of the underlying themes is the start of comic books. Now, I am not saying that girls don't read comics. But on the whole, boys do tend to read, invest and spend more time with comic books. Or at least they did at one time. This book is about the people behind the groundbreaking work of comic books and their lives. It's a good book.

Another guy book author comes to mind as I write this: Paul Auster.Fierce photo! I love his books! Book of Illusions, Timbuktu...ah, they are so good. And I don't really know the main reason why I place his style under guy books, but it could be all his main characters are male and his female characters are never really, well...easy to relate to. They tend to get swept off their feet too often. Granted, I haven't read all his works so this is only based on a handful of works.

So, this brings us to the question: do men and women read differently? Do they read for a different end? With a different purpose in mind (either conscious or sub?)

But all this to say, why did that one guy smirk about chick books? Most women can travel back and forth between chick and guy books. And even if they don't, they wouldn't say "Oh that's aguy book." Smirk, smirk.

Why do chick books then, get looked down upon? Trash novels, Danielle Steel (repetitive), Chicken Soup for the Soul, etc...I mean, even graphic novels have a better rep than trashy novels. But don't they do the same thing? They take someone off in a fantasy land where talking to the cute sister of Dream (Death) is possible or where a muscle-ripped, barbarian can be tamed by love. (First reference: The Sandman Series;second: about 1/2 of romance novels)

Some would argue that one is art and the other doesn't have any artistic value. But who is to say what is art and what's not? To the lonely wife who takes care of all the household chores, the kids, works, and has the pressure of still required to look young while her pudgy, hairy husband snores next to her as she reads a romance novel...who says that's not like looking at Van Gogh for her?

Does it have to do with emotions? Chick books, for the most part, really play up the emotion part...feelings of grandeur, love, anger, revenge.

Thus leading back to the smirking man at my register on that beautiful spring day. What is it about emotions that scared him so much?

I think I am writing in circles. But I would love your input.

PPS On a lighter note, I googled imaged romance novels and came up with some spoof covers! They are great! Enjoy!


And here's one just for Poshdeluxe:


At 9:40 AM, Blogger poshdeluxe said...

first of all

CAN SOMEONE PLEASE FIND ME THAT CUPCAKE BOOK AND GIVE IT TO ME? i mean, my 30th birthday IS coming up (next year). seriously though. i need that book.


i'm generally wary of labeling *anything* cos it usually leads to some sort of argument, and i am extremely conflict-averse. but i'm also comfortable with what i like-- for example, YA lit. i don't care if people think it's all sweet valley high, cos i know it's not. and the same thing with comics. i love LOTS of comics, but i know that some people think it's just "silly superheroes." kudos, btw, for the death picture. LOVE her.

and i am a fan of lots of "chick lit" and "chick movies," and if people don't know how to appreciate "you've got mail," then i just say a little prayer for them, cos they'll never say, "I'M GOING TO THE NUT SHOP WHERE IT'S FUN" and giggle and i consider that to be really living life to its fullest.

At 11:57 PM, Blogger Ann said...

A Number One: Barbara does not write "chick books." GMAB.

B Number Two: I'm sorry that man isn't smart enough to realize that.


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