Thursday, April 10, 2008


So, if you haven't discovered my little link section that I finally figured out how to work, then you should. The last one, entitled, My other blog about health stuff, is my health blog. I update on my workouts, food, health goals and other body issue type stuff.

I realized I wasn't moving forward toward my health goals like I have been doing for my other goals. For example, when I realized I wanted to be a winemaker, I researched, moved and am now almost finished with school with an internship lined up to start in the summer. Steps in the right direction, I would say.

But with my health, well, I was cheating myself. Which is not cool.

I would say "Oh yeah, I want to run a 5K, 10K, marathon, triathlon, go hiking for several days, etc..." but then would never take any steps towards those goals.

So see my other blog about the steps I am taking.

But all that got me to thinking about promises we make ourselves and then break. And if you're one who never breaks a promise to others, then why would you break a promise to yourself? What does that say about how you value yourself?

Mainly, these are the questions I have to keep asking and reminding myself to think about. When I say to myself, I am going to do X today, then I should make plans to do X. This what I had to do when I decided to move away from Austin and my loved ones. This is what I have decided to do when I go workout. This is what I SHOULD be doing when I see our messy household, that is, take steps towards making it a nicer, clean household.

Unfortunately I have no time this week since I broke loads of promises to myself earlier this year in regards to my online classes. Had I stayed on top of things then, I would not be scrambling now. Ah well, I can't guilt and regret over it now. The only thing I can do is promise to do better and to keep my promise.


At 7:20 AM, Blogger alicia hart said...

sometimes i say "i'm going to do X today" but then it usually doesn't happen that often. tee hehe. :)

At 9:48 AM, Blogger poshdeluxe said...

i like the idea of goals being promises to yrself, cos then you have to respect yrself enough to keep those promises.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, girlfriend.


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