Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Curiously enough...

Today, I got up at 630, took a very hot shower, got dressed...and then proceeded back into bed to read for four hours. As many of you know my history with depression, you might be thinking "Uh oh! Not again!" But curiously enough, I wanted to get out and I could have...except I couldn't warm up. Literally. The shower was of no help. I stood in front of our furnance and that did nothing. I bundled up in layers of clothes. That helped alittle. But I couldn't get myself to go outside and get on my bike to go anywhere.

I am glad to know (because I do know) that I am not depressed. This might be the beginning stages, but where before I wouldn't have recognized it until much later..this time, I plan to make plans with friends to get me out of the house. That should help.

Well, I am on my break and therefore, my time for blogging is short. THanks for reading.



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