Saturday, November 20, 2004

Starting over and over and over


Well, I am making an afghan. And I have started over on it at least 6 times. But I am not discouraged. This is all a part of the learning process. I went from using a pattern I taught myself to read and do, but I kept dropping stitches on one side. So, one edge of the blanket was straight and the other side was curving in. No good. But not to worry, I put the pattern aside for now and am doing a stitch that is simple. All in all, I am proud of myself for teaching myself to double crochet and not get so pissed off at myself for having to begin again, again and again.

We heard, saw and felt the thunderstorm pass over our house this morning. It was glorious to hear the distant, quiet rumblings in the sky from far off gradually move closer and closer until the windows were rattling and lights dimming. Then, there was this huge cr-a-c-k! And lightning flashed and the rain went from a slight drizzle to a floodgate being opened. Oh, I love thunderstorms.

I work tonight but then I have tomorrow off. I am very much looking forward to that. I hope to get some dishes washed, some more progress on the afghan and then buy some more yarn for the scarfs I must finish before Christmas. I know the afghan won't be done but I should be able to finish the scarfs before then.

Also, I am putting the soap-making on hold for now. I just won't have enough time before Christmas to perfect the process and then experiment with my own scents and designs. But soon, I will be in the kitchen wearing gloves and goggles, cackling over a bubbling pot. "Eye of newt" is very good for moisturizing you know. (kidding, really)

Ok, I must return to the blanket. It is calling me, especially since I am actually doing a good job and won't need to start over.

Ciao, ci vediamo!


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