Thursday, October 07, 2004

Cram, cram and more cram, crammit!

Hello to all,

I am taking a very short study break to post this. I haven't posted anything
new in a while and I doubt numerous people read this site and are demanding
and protesting on the streets for an update, but still I blog on.

So, I missed a couple of days in psychology and we have a test tomorrow.
Now, I am freaking out that I missed something big during lecture, when I
know damn well the prof only lectures straight out of the book. But luckily,
this text edition has a companion website where I can take practice tests of
multiple choice, true/false (which is not my strong point) and even essays.
They also have provided us with online flashcards! So, after typing up
notes, I have been online for about half an hour testing my knowledge. Oy, I
hope I remember more in the morning. After some good, sweet sleep.

Things are good. Still busy but at least we have a working phone now and can
connect with the outside world once more....Have I said that already? I
might have.

Anyways, I must go and write up an essay discussing classical conditioning
in the movie "A Clockwork Orange", (a messed-up movie I might add). Ciao


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