Friday, October 01, 2004

It feels like Sunday.

So, today is Thursday. I know it is Thursday, I just browsed through the new issue of the Austin Chronicle...Oh! Speaking of which, let me transcribe this week's horoscope for Aquarian.

"Mystery writer Agatha Christie took issue with the old saw that says "Necessity if themother on invention." Just as often, she believed, the creation of new conveniences is prompted by the desire to save time and trouble. If necessity is the mother of invention, laziness is the father. I suggest you make that your motto in the coming week, Aquarius. Be on the lookout for innovations that will free up your time and imagination. Dream and scheme about how you can get more room in your schedule to do absolutely nothing but dream and scheme."

Oh, if only I could take that advice seriously! But I only read my horoscope in the Austin Chronicle because the guy who writes them, Rob Brezsny, does so in such eloquent and sometimes, just poetic ways. And, at this juncture in my life, I haven't been taking the time to dream and scheme. And maybe I should. Alas, I lack one talent. The talent of "time management". Take tonight for example, while I sit at Flightpath waiting for my fiance, I am supposed to be studying. But this darned computer keeps tempting me to look up silly things on the internet, like more damned ideas and decorations for my wedding. Or the Chronicle keeps beckoning to re-read the "Best of" Issue.

I did, however, get a lot done today. My mother came into town to meet up with Missy and I to go material and decoration shopping. We got all the material and notions we need for my wedding dress ( I am very pleased with what we found) and got basically all the decorations we need. We also ordered the food and kegs for the reception. Yay.

I wish I was in a talkative mood because then I could ramble on about nothing and maybe, just maybe, be witty too. But you have to catch me when the moon is full, tide is high and the planet Saturn is in the rising sun (whatever that means).

Ciao tutti.



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