Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Insurance companies suck

Hello to all,

Well, as of tonight, I do not have car insurance. I was covered under my parent's policy but due to increase number of drivers in their household increasing the chances for wrecks, their insurance is of tonight. Yikes! That means we have spent the last couple of hours looking at websites, talking to salespeople and basically, pulling out our hair.

When I rule the universe, this will not happen. I will make sure such excellent public transportation is provided that people won't even need to own cars. Trust me, it will work out.

Other than my blood pressure rising, what have I been up to? Well, not running or going to the gym. Working, working with some more working on the side. I feel like I am trapped in this financial struggle and will never be able to just relax. Not that I want to be rich or anything, but I want to finish school, yet I can't do that without working because we need my income (and the discount). Yet without a degree I will never have an income that is enough to live on with kids and whatnot. Needless to say, I am in a bummed kind of mood. I love my husband, I love my family and friends and where I am in my life, it is just at times I feel like I am running on a hamster wheel...doomed to keep running and running until...

So, I am done writing for now. I don't want to make everyone depressed.



At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally understand that last paragraph. I think there are many of us who feel trapped right now. Its horrible that we all have to feel that way.


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