Thursday, November 11, 2004

Don't eat the soap!


Yes, I know. It has been a while since I have last written. But I also know I do not have an extensive fan club that is chomping at the bit (great saying!) to eagerly read my recent posts. So all is well in that compartment.

Actually, all is well in general. Married life agrees with me, although it has only been a little over two weeks. So far, so good. Cool.

I plan on making as many homemade Christmas gifts as possible this year. I just purchased some used copies of books about soapmaking, vegetarian and natural soap making of course. (So, never fear, I will not use the fat that was liposucked off of rich women as Tyler Durdin used in Fight Club). But I will be using some lye, which I am not happy about because that means I need to get elbow-length gloves, eye-goggles, and I have to be very careful as not to burn myself. I am confident, however, once I get the hang of it down, it will be easy to do. And everyone will get Michelle's Natural Beauty Soaps. I don't know if that is what I want to call my little soaps yet, but it sounds good for now. If I get good and efficient enough at it, I might even try to find a store to sell my soaps. Wouldn't that be cool? That means I need to tap into my creative juices soon. Make up some new soaps that will wow the socks off enough people to buy it to make a profit. But even if that doesn't work out, I can still use it for gifts. That way, one who is receiving a present from me will always know what they are getting! Yay for being so darn predictable!

Also, I am going to re-learn how to crochet and sew and also learn how to knit. Yay for feeling productive right now.

Okay, Chris is chomping at the bit (there is that saying again!) to use the computer, so I will retire for now. Thanks for reading. And remember, if you are at a lost as to what to get Chris and I for christmas, check out the list I have on the blog).


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