Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Last night's dream sponsored by the letter "M"

I had a strange, strange dreams last night. And for some reason, right before I woke up, words starting with the letter "M" kept ringing in my ears. Spooky, never had that happen before. I don't really remember all of the dream in sequence but I will fill you all in on scenes I do remember:
I couldn't control my car. I would veer onto a small road only to find that I can not control the steering. But it wasn't that I was trying and couldn't, more like the muscles in my arms and hands refused to work. So, once I almost hit a road marker. Another time, I drove off this steep embankment and got stuck in this field next to a rodeo arena. People came over from the arena to help me out, but instead I just left the car in the field while I wandered around the rodeo grounds. Now, it wasn't like the rodeo arena was empty. Rather, the stands were packed with people and there was this coach being drawn by about 10 horses. But instead of the horses being one in front of the other, they were all in one I had to haul buns to get ahead of them before they trampled me. Then, I got back in my car where two members of the Beatles (I don't remember which ones) also got in the car with me and instructed me where they needed to go.
Switch scenes:
I am in front of this burger place painted purple. Then, I am watching some comedy movie with cast members from Saturday Night Live in it, when I realize I am sitting next to Mike Myers just as I am cracking up and saying "this is my favorite part" during a scene in which he is in!
That is it. I don't remember all the rest. But I do have all these strange images that I can't really explain because they don't go along with any story or description.

There is no dream dictionary that can help me out because I don't dream in story sequences most of the time. My dreams are more symbolic than that. I dream in images and lots of color mainly.

Anyways, I am sure I will write more later this week, when I am more awake.

Take care everybody.



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