Friday, September 24, 2004

Another closure, another beginning

I tried to make the subject line as uplifting and hopeful as possible. Chris' last day at his school is today. I am glad he is getting out of that situation because he was miserable due to lousy ciriculum and politics. The school district hired a new principal whose main goal is to weed out anyone who objects to him. If this new principal doesn't get the school turned around, the district is threatening to close it. So you can see the principal's desperation to make everyone compliant with his way of doing things.

Anyways, this means I am the sole income earner for the time being. Big problems. I don't make very much money and can work no more than four days a week because of school. Hopefully though, with prayer and determination, Chris will find a suitable job. One that he likes, makes some money and, God willing, with benefits.

Needless to say, all of this has been weighing on my mind for the past week and a half (yes, that is how fast it happened). Not only that, but school, work and then there are wedding obligations to fill.

If I may borrow from our pastor's joke on writing a book entitled "How NOT to Start a Church"...I may write a similar book entitled "How NOT to Plan a Wedding". I realized yesterday about an hour after dropping off the majority of the invitations in the dropbox that I forgot to mention anywhere in the invitations about where Chris and I are registered. Also, the dress is not done nor is it started. And I have another round of tests coming in a little over a week.

Whine, whine, whine. I have to look at things positively. I am getting married to a wonderful, caring, and funny man. I am going back to school and making A's (at the time being, don't want to jinx myself), my family is very supportive of me and the wedding, my friends kick ass, I am healthy, and I have a job that is pretty good to me.


Yet I worry.

Until I have more to say other than my personal woes, see you next time,


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