Thursday, September 23, 2004

Here we go...

Wow, I feel Blogging am I. I am blogging. That is a fun word, kind of garbles around in your mouth.

Things are crazy, seriously crazy. Our phone is dead, as well as the chargers for it. Yet, I can't call ATT because I am not on the account and Chris doesn't get home from school until after hours. So, communication with the outside world is limited, until I get to work or Flightpath.

I have one more week until my next rounds of tests come up and I am starting to feel the leviathan affectionately called "wedding" breathing down my neck. No one person is doing this nor or is anyone doing it on purpose. But there is still a lot to worry about and a lot to do. Can I add one more day to the week, please? OH! And two more hours to each night of sleep. That would be awesome if you could get right on that.

But, I am handling things well. Really, it may not sound like it from what I have typed so far, but I am! I run! Not away from these events of course, but I have been running with Missy, my long-lost best friend. We broke the two mile barrier this morning! We have been running for about three weeks now and we were stuck at running two miles for about a week and a half or so.
I also have been humming. Yes, I am also crazy. But humming, when I feel my stress about to burst, helps. It controls my breathing and calms me down. Try it, seriously. I use lower notes for calming and higher notes for stomach pains or heartburn. Maybe I am crazy.

Thanks for reading. I will try to keep this thing updated. Please feel free to comment!



At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a goofball...


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