Wednesday, November 08, 2006

updated xmas list

Yes, it's early. But I am about to start on making most of my gifts, so I decided I should start a list as well. Also, cash flow is a little tight this year, so we won't be able to do a lot of presents. On that note, please don't feel like you have to get us something from this list. This list is just merely a guide for your benefit. Thank you.

Here it is, drumroll please (updated 11/8/06):

nothing, love and being with loved ones is good enough

dress socks (the sock monster got some of Chris' good dress socks)

a storage building, not a big one, about 6x6 or something like that

a digital camera!! (I think my parents are working on this one)

a mexican plum tree (our tiny one died in the heat)

a very nice helmet for Chris (his doesn't fit him, he has a big head, you probably know this)

any kind of cooking pots or pans by Le Creuset (they have Outlet stores for better prices) or any kind of cast iron pots or pans in good condition.

any vegan, vegetarian, or decent cookbook that doesn't have a lot of meat recipes. Also bread/baking cookbooks.

a dog bed for Brandy, I think she might use it now

gift certificate to an Autobody shop (Chris is rebuilding a bike and needs to buy paint for it)

And that is all for now, an update soon to come!


At 1:32 AM, Blogger Ann said...

you're never too early for a xmas list in my opinion... :)


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